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Free VBucks

Thu May 09, 2024 11:25 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

1. Buy any amount of Vbucks on your Xbox. I suggest buying $100 worth of Vbucks
because they always refund(yes i've done it with $100)
2. After buying the Vbucks, go to and
select ""billing"
3. Click "get started"
4. A new "virtual assistant" window should open up. Type "I need to reverse an
accidental …

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Comments: 0

Razer Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:34 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Photoshopped pic of the the item you want to SE with its cord cut or serial number of it. (You can try to
get one of a guy selling on ebay)
Country Tested
1. Go to Razer support and make up an excuse as to why your item does not work 2. They will ask you to
do things to troubleshoot. Follow what they say to convince them that you acc have the …

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Falcon Zero Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:33 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Proof of purchase with real order number
Country Tested
Step 1: Hit them up saying your shit is broken. Step 2: They'll try to troubleshoot with you just say
nothing is working. Step 3: They'll ask for your order number and some other info then they'll give you a

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Gift card from Footlocker

Tue May 07, 2024 9:32 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Step 1: Research. Find a nice pair of shoes on their website, and note everything about it. The color, size,
price with tax,
Step 2: Call Footlocker. They have 24/7 customer support but sometimes they take a year and a day on
hold. Deal with it.
Step 3: Tell them that you bought [insert shoes you researched] at [insert footlocker store location] but
that you didn't like
because it was too archy. I don't know, make your own damn excuse
Step 4: …

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Corsair Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:31 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

S/N And maybe order number depends how you do it
Country Tested
1st Contact support going to take them like a million years to email you back 2nd once they have
emailed you back they will ask for the info above 3rd say that you didnt recieve the item or if you didnt
order one say that the light or the speaker went

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Hidrste method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:31 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Nothing just a good backstory when I did it
Country Tested
1. Contact Support saying something like you just received your product and you have repeatatly tried to
charge it in multiple outlets but the device still does not power on 2. They will respond with some

Comments: 0

Juul Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:30 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

1. Go to a convenience store or any store and ask the cashier if you can look at the Juul Device Kit
2. On the back of the box kit should have the serial number, take a picture or write it down.
3. Create an account on and register the device serial code along with the date of
purchase/type of store (date of
purchase was when you came into the convenience store)
4. Go to Juul Support …

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Free Shoes

Tue May 07, 2024 9:29 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Free shoes
Company: Any shoe brand
Value: $100+
Debit/Credit Ca rd
Two websites whe re they have your pair in stock; (same size of course)
1. Order the pair from two different websites
2. Once received, open the boxes and take on e left shoe from one and another from the other box.
3. Call both stores and tell them that you want to return the order as only one shoe arrived.

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Comments: 0

BlueDesigns Store

Tue May 07, 2024 9:29 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

contact form:
requirements: a bra in and pop
1.make an account and pick what you want from the list of products they provide on the support page
2.when it asks you about the product, say it is unresponsive to everything and you have tried it on
multiple pcs.
3.when support gets back to you tell …

[ Full reading ]

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Tik tok bucks

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Post by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】 Tue May 07, 2024 6:53 pm

Can you make money on Tik Tok?
The answer is yes! You just need to be choosing the right path.
Why is it that people are starting to create multiple accounts, paying
editors thousands of dollars, and spending all their time on Tik Tok?
Because they are making a killing… That’s why.
So why is no one talking about this?
Because they are trying to keep it a secret. And they have done pretty
well. Until NOW!
Keep reading below for our method that is absolutely killing it!

Pushing followers to Instagram
1. Choose your specialty or “niche”
This should be something you are passionate about and can create
15 second videos around.
2. Create a Tik Tok username
Must be related to your niche.
3. Connect this username to a similar Instagram profile
Can be a new or old account but the audience should match.
4. Start creating unique 15 second videos related to your niche
The most important factor on this is to keep the user engaged for
the ENTIRE video. (more on this later)
5. Push your followers to Instagram
Use a “call to action” in your Tik Tok bio.
6. Sell your Instagram followers merch using a drop shipping store.
This is technical but you can pay someone to handle this part or
contact us for help

This method works best for someone who is familiar with creating a drop
shipping store on Shopify or WordPress and can market it effectively on
This will take a total of around 30 days to complete but boy is it
Take a look at one of my stores 7 day report on Woocommerce.
I used this exact method and launched on black friday which resulted in
$6,666.94 in sales!

Making Money On Tik Tok
Most people think it’s crazy but listen to this…
You can sell a consistent $1,000/week using this method without ever
touching products.
You don’t even have to ship anything OR leave your house. Making
money in Tik Tok is an untapped market right now and that is why this is
so valuable. You’re going to be a first just like us!
So let’s break down the steps in further detail…
Tik Tok video Ideas
Finding your “niche”
A niche is just a fancy word for a certain type of content.
For example, we have a successful Tik Tok username below.

Zach King is a popular video creator who found his fame on the Vine
platform a few years ago. (RIP Vine)
I use this example to show that Zach sticks to one style of video making.
that style for him is film making and editing.
This is a great example of a niche. It is also a great example of Tik Tok
video ideas.
Some additional ideas that may be profitable like Zach are listed here.
 Fashion
 Video game captures
 Prank videos
 Random facts
 Puppet videos
 Adventurous videos
 Talents or skills

Tik Tok Username Ideas
A quick guide to picking a username would be to match your name with
your niche. For example: “JoeyD_Pranks“
You can also mix your niche with your sub niche. For example:
Whatever name you use it’s important to remember that your username
should reflect what you do in the videos. the only time this does not
apply is when you plan on becoming a personality for Tik Tok. Then any
name will do.
Also make sure that a similar username is available on Instagram. This is
important for when we push the followers from Tik Tok to Instagram.
Use this tool here to generate a cool name if you are getting stuck. Tik
Tok name generator.
How To Get Famous On Tik Tok

This is the one everyone is waiting for.
Your attempt to get famous on Tik Tok is all up to the quality of content
that you make, and how you structure it.
The Tik Tok algorithm is very particular in how it works.
However, after talking to a Chinese Tik Tok creator and developer, I have
the secret sauce.
How The tik Tok Algorithm Works
The Tik Tok algorithm works off of a few very important factors.
 Video completion rate
 Engagement rate
 Time of post
 Overall account rating
The Tik Tok algorithm also sends your video out in “pushes”.
The initial push will test the waters on your content. If your video has a
good rating for all the factors listed above, then it will make it to the next
push round.

That means that you need to entice people to watch the entire video.
Use text headings in the beginning of the video that say something like
“wait for it“.
Or you can even create a mystery in the beginning of the video to entice
people to watch until the end.
This is a big reason why loop videos or the scavenger hunt videos always
go viral. It’s because the completion rate is so high. It can even jump to
over 100% if users watch it multiple times.
To sum it up, follow these steps to have a greater chance at becoming Tik
Tok famous.
 Make your videos 15 seconds long
 entice users to watch the entire video
 Produce quality content
 Keep your videos related to the same niche
 Engage with your audience
But My Previous Tik Tok videos Get No Views?
This might be because of something I mentioned above. Your account
rating may be too low to go viral. If you have more than 15 videos that
have less than 500 views… Scrap it.
Start a brand new account because your profile has too low of a rating
within the Tik Tok algorithm to go viral.

Tik Tok Monetization
Ok finally, the GOOD part.
Monetizing your Tik Tok account is the final step in this method. Once
you have the niche, username, have followers, and are growing your
page it is time to start making that money.
There are two ways we can do this. Dropshipping or affiliate marketing.
Both ways are powerful in their own ways but it all depends on what
niche your page is in and how much time you want to put in.
Drop ship from Tik tok
So your fans on Tik Tok have successfully followed you on Instagram too
right? Yes, maybe not as much but Instagram is where you hit them with
the sales pitch.
As of this post Tik Tok only offers embedded links for users with over a
million followers.
We are assuming you do not have over a million followers otherwise this
step can be skipped and you add a link straight into your Tik Tok bio.
Create a drop shipping store for clothing items specifically. Watch this
great tutorial about dropshipping.

Customize all your clothing items to be geared towards your personal
brand. you can see an example of a drop ship store geared toweards Tik
Tok users below.
By the way this site also does collaborations with users so you can skip
the entire store building process for a small fee. If you are not that tech
savvy or want to speed the process up a bit.
Then… add your specific merch store link to your Instagram bio.
Make a post on instagram notifying your users that merch has dropped.
Also… Make videos on Tik Tok wearing your own merch and change your
bio to tell users to go to your Instagram and visit the link in your bio to
buy the merch.

The trick here is to not be pushy with your pitch but rather let the
followers notice your merch in videos and point them in the right
direction via your bio and comments within videos.
Instagram works a little different where as you can just add a picture or
story asking people to visit the link and buy merch.
This is the drop ship method. Now onto the affiliate method.
Monetizing Tik Tok with Affiliate Products
This process follows the exact steps as the one referenced above.
However, instead of building a drop ship store, partnering with the
company I referenced above or selling any type of personal merch you
will be pushing other products.
Here is how you do it.
 Find a product you can affiliate for on Amazon
 Sign up for the Amazon affiliates program
 Push the amazon product via your instagram bio link
 Push your Tik Tok followers to Instagram using a funny video using
the product or showing it’s cool features.

This method requires less work but you will make a smaller percentage
of profit because you are selling another product not your own.
Regardless both methods allow you to make some passive income in Tik
Stay updated with this method because the functionality on Tik Tok can
change at any time and this process may become even EASIER!

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Join date : 2024-05-07
Age : 28

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