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» Web/Email Scraping Tools
Money Gram EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 10:58 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

» Affiliate, Dropshipping & Kindle Tools (Amazon , Aliexpress, ClickBank, Ebay, Shopify
Money Gram EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 10:57 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

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Free VBucks

Thu May 09, 2024 11:25 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

1. Buy any amount of Vbucks on your Xbox. I suggest buying $100 worth of Vbucks
because they always refund(yes i've done it with $100)
2. After buying the Vbucks, go to and
select ""billing"
3. Click "get started"
4. A new "virtual assistant" window should open up. Type "I need to reverse an
accidental …

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Razer Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:34 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Photoshopped pic of the the item you want to SE with its cord cut or serial number of it. (You can try to
get one of a guy selling on ebay)
Country Tested
1. Go to Razer support and make up an excuse as to why your item does not work 2. They will ask you to
do things to troubleshoot. Follow what they say to convince them that you acc have the …

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Falcon Zero Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:33 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Proof of purchase with real order number
Country Tested
Step 1: Hit them up saying your shit is broken. Step 2: They'll try to troubleshoot with you just say
nothing is working. Step 3: They'll ask for your order number and some other info then they'll give you a

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Gift card from Footlocker

Tue May 07, 2024 9:32 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Step 1: Research. Find a nice pair of shoes on their website, and note everything about it. The color, size,
price with tax,
Step 2: Call Footlocker. They have 24/7 customer support but sometimes they take a year and a day on
hold. Deal with it.
Step 3: Tell them that you bought [insert shoes you researched] at [insert footlocker store location] but
that you didn't like
because it was too archy. I don't know, make your own damn excuse
Step 4: …

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Corsair Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:31 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

S/N And maybe order number depends how you do it
Country Tested
1st Contact support going to take them like a million years to email you back 2nd once they have
emailed you back they will ask for the info above 3rd say that you didnt recieve the item or if you didnt
order one say that the light or the speaker went

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Hidrste method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:31 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Nothing just a good backstory when I did it
Country Tested
1. Contact Support saying something like you just received your product and you have repeatatly tried to
charge it in multiple outlets but the device still does not power on 2. They will respond with some

Comments: 0

Juul Method

Tue May 07, 2024 9:30 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

1. Go to a convenience store or any store and ask the cashier if you can look at the Juul Device Kit
2. On the back of the box kit should have the serial number, take a picture or write it down.
3. Create an account on and register the device serial code along with the date of
purchase/type of store (date of
purchase was when you came into the convenience store)
4. Go to Juul Support …

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Free Shoes

Tue May 07, 2024 9:29 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

Free shoes
Company: Any shoe brand
Value: $100+
Debit/Credit Ca rd
Two websites whe re they have your pair in stock; (same size of course)
1. Order the pair from two different websites
2. Once received, open the boxes and take on e left shoe from one and another from the other box.
3. Call both stores and tell them that you want to return the order as only one shoe arrived.

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BlueDesigns Store

Tue May 07, 2024 9:29 pm by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】

contact form:
requirements: a bra in and pop
1.make an account and pick what you want from the list of products they provide on the support page
2.when it asks you about the product, say it is unresponsive to everything and you have tried it on
multiple pcs.
3.when support gets back to you tell …

[ Full reading ]

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Money Gram

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Post by 【A】【d】【m】【i】【n】 Sun May 19, 2024 11:26 am

First off, I would liketo personallythank each and everyone ofyour for
buyingthise-book .First off, Iguaranteethatyou won’t makelessthan
$500 doingthis method .
This method requirespatience and mostimportantly,good SEskills.


Here's a brief summary of what you need :
-A VPN , personally I would
recommend Mullvad VPN , for only
5euros per month . You can be assured
your anonymity
-Next , you will need an instagram
account . I recommend you create a
fresh one under ProtonMail and if
you have any need for a phone
number . Just change your VPN
location or just get a virtual phone
number .
-A fresh PayPal account You will need a totally
freshPaypal account , this is for your safety . Use
ProtonMail for your identification and use
[][/url] . Then , the account age for 5 to 10 days

Alright , now once you have
your tools , let's get right into it !
Now , just remember that
patience is key to any method !
Now , you will head over to instagram and make an
account . You should come up with your own username
and try your best to make it seem original . For those who
aren’t very creative , just name it after some character in a
movie or something . As for the profile picture , just get
something relevant to your niche from google .

Now , you might be asking what niche you should pick .

Well , this is a niche that might be unheard of but it's
related to the “old currency’ niche . You will be picking this
niche as it was very unsaturated and you will be sure to
earn a lot from this with the right advertising and SE skills

This account is a very good example .
Just copy everything she has , just don’t
follow the name and profile picture .
Just copy her ‘proof’ as well as the way
she sets her profile picture .
Just use an instagram story downloader
and then download her stories and
screenshot some of her older posts and
post them on your account .
You can also Dm them they will usually
send a picture of someone counting
money , you can also user that for
Now , you have your account all ready . To make yourself
seem more legit , you can purchase a
VirtualPhoneNumber and then use it to register on
whatsapp .
Now , once you have everything prepared . It should be
really easy from there .
The audience that you will be targeting are South-East
Asians . (This is because they are more greedy)
The pictures that you will be posting should be about old coins from South-East Asian countries like Malaysia .
Alright so now , you can head over to the ‘recommended
for you’ page on Instagram and keep following other
accounts from South-East Asia . You can choose to Dm
advertise .
Now , you will pin a high price for each coin . Something
like $5000 for each coin . Now , you might be asking how
am I gonna earn money?? Well , you will lie to them , you
will tell them that they will need to pay a small fee to get
their  money .

If they ask why , send them this :

Our company(whatever your Instagram page is) works

closely with (what country they are) leaders to ensure that

all buying and selling of old currencies is under their

observations so as to ensure 0 scams . In order to go

through that process , the government requests that we

collect a small fee of ($500 to $100) in order to pay for

the approval as well as the license to keep our business

open . Thus , you will have to pay ($500 to $100) . I hope

you understand and sorry for any inconveniences caused .

You should ask them to send the money to a PayPal

account then from then , you send it to an Exchanger on for Bitcoin . Easy money !

Ok , now you might be wondering if the guide promised
me that I’ll be making 500 daily , what is this bullshit ??!!

Well , relax ! The best part is yet to come ! Smile

So , once you make a fair amount of money , you can
invest them into ads . I suggest you create a new account
and then don’t scam anyone for a
month and keep posting. Now , each
ad will cost you about $50 to $25 , but
trust me , you will EASILY make 5 to 4
times that amount in a day . Now , you
will find a page that has mostly asain
based followers . In my opinion , a
page based on the ‘knowledge’ niche
will best suit what we are looking for :
Money Gram 1

Now here's the plan :
Scam some people > Invest in ads to scam more people >

Now here are some common problems you might face :
Them : Emmm , how do I know you're not a scammer??
You : Why would I scam for such a small amount ??? I
can’t even feed my family
If they continue to be stubborn and don’t wanna trust you
, just send them ‘your fake transactions with your past
customers’ .
To get them to believe you , usually I accompany this with
fake pictures of my ‘customers’ earning . To get this , I
usually just DM other similar pages and just act like I’m
interested and get them to send me .
You can always use the need of money against them
Say that they're making (how much you're selling them)
for such a small fee . Just make sure they feel greedier
when dming you
Act as professional as you can with them . Use
complicated political and economical terms such ASEAN
World leaders , embassy , etc
If you want , I try to provide free screenshots on my
Discord server .

Now , you can also do a lot of other things with just an
Instagram ad , you can spread a RAT . But , there is
another alternative ! You will be doing an ‘Investment
Now , go to similar pages on instagram and pay for a
shoutout .

This should be good , copy some of the similar accounts
post and stuff .
Now , let's say you choose to do
this method without the ad . I
am warning you that it is hard
and not easy . However , I have a
tool that can help you with that .
It would be NinjaGram .
Ninjagram isyour automated Instagram marketing machine.
It will helpyou build your following on Instagram and targetsyour
exactcustomersin theexactlocation you want.
So ,pick the usersyou wanna target on thecomment bot. Iencourage
going onto google and getting a list ofpopular hashtags and then insert
them into the bot.startcommenting on people’spost and then slowly
more and morepeople willstartto recogniseyou
Create some post saying that you will get back 2 times the
amount you invested .
If they ask how , or something like that .

Here is what I like to say :
Well , we work with many millionaires as well as
freelancers . In fact , we even work with the world’s top
Bitcoin miners ! It will be super easy for us to double your
money back ! If you are wondering how we make money ,
don’t worry , we easily make triple your amount actually ,
so we take just a small cut of it .
If you managed to scam this kid , DO NOT ever block him !
Continue on by saying how the jurisdiction in the United
States does not allow me to send the Bitcoin over as it is a
foreign country and how you will need an additional
payment of $50 in order to get to the supreme court to
apply for an appeal to send it .
After that , just stop scamming him before he takes legal
action .

Now , the most important part to any Blackhat method
would be on how to keep safe . Obviously , Basic OPSec is
needed .
I personally would recommend getting an RDP from
Datatouch on (I am in no way affiliated with
him). Remember to always connect to your VPN before
connecting to your RDP .
I would recommend after you earnt 1k from your account ,
you delete it and abandon it forever . Change everything
from your PayPal to your email for a new instagram
account . Do not ever use an email account that has any
similarities to your previous one .
Your old email account was :
And your new one is :

Now , thats just dumb and can make it easily traced back
to you
I encourage my buyers to make a few hundred and turn
white-hat for good
⭐Money Gram Like a Star @ heaven
Good luck in making real money everyday

DO not ever give up this method , this guide
is one of a kind and will make you money !
You just need some patience !
Discord : Solotov#0759
Once again I would like to remind you of my

Posts : 48
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Join date : 2024-05-07
Age : 28

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